Halloween came early this year. After experience the horror of awful grocery store egg potato salad, my stomach suffered extreme post-traumatic stress disorder for good 48 hours. Yeah, that bad. The salad had a wet slushy messy texture like Slurpee that you can pretty much suck it up with a straw. It is a simple dish with only two major ingredients. How can anyone screw it up? Well... Anyway, little chef decided to roll up the sleeves and whip out a proper egg potato salad.
Here prefer ranch dressing and sour cream over traditional mayonnaise. Ranch dressing adds a refreshing and flavorful kick to the old school dish and it is a healthier alternative than mayo. You can stay with mayo but use a good one. Not all brands are made equally. That is probably why the store bought salad tasted so bad because they were made with lard grade mayo. You can also substitute bacon with sausages or hams. Just have fun with it.
The biggest problem for some is they tend to overcook the potatoes so the texture becomes slurpee-ish. The trick is to cut potatoes into the same size so they get evenly cooked. Heat up for approximately 10-15 minutes. Use a fork to test the texture. It should be soft without breaking apart. This recipe makes my stomach happy and hope it makes yours happy, too.
Make 4 servings.
Cooking time 20 minutes.
4 medium sized potatoes
4 eggs
4 slices of bacon
1/2 cup ranch dressing (or mayonnaise)
1/4 cup sour cream
1/4 cups of chives
Ground black pepper
Optional: 1 teaspoon ground mustard (or 2 teaspoon of dijon mustard if you use mayonnaise)
Cut potatoes into 1/2 inch cubes. Cover with water in a sauce pan and add generous amount of salt. Cook until tender for about 10-15 mins. Drain and rinse under cold water. Boil eggs for about 10 mins. Turn off the heat and let them sit for another 2 mins. Cool off with cold water. Peel the shells and cut into small pieces.
Add potatoes, eggs, crumbled bacon, and ground pepper. Mix ranch dressing and sour cream in another bowl. Pour the mixture over the potatoes. Stir gently. Garnish with sprinkles of chives.