Most people in this town don't really understand the magnitude of the devastation in Haiti. Nor do they really care.
I can't just turn the TV off or close my eyes and pretend everything's fine. I can't settle with the fact that people are dying every minute because of lack of easy medical treatments and supplies. I can't bear the news that amputees are only given Motrin. I just can't. My heart aches...
And look around... People in this town don't seem to care. They only care about what fancy cars they drive, what hip clubs they go to, or what's on their silver dinner plate. Unbelievable. Most of them never have a day of misfortune. They don't know what compassion and kindness is.
How can we go about complaining little things while there are tremendous tragedies going on not just in Haiti but also many parts of the world suffering hunger, disease, or war?
If we all do a little good every day either a smile to a stranger or a helping hand to a lady in the grocery store, we can make a positive impact and contribution to the world. Starting from ourselves right here right now.
The world needs love and compassion. That's all I have to give. ;)